Quantify your customers' moments that matter

Get insight with the data you have, so that your digital teams can acquire, increase value and retain more customers.


Use your data effectively to address the needs of your customers

We’ll help you realise the real value of your digital data, blending our digital and behavioural analytics expertise with UX research to find customers’ WHY.

Improve website performance

Go beyond the funnel and understand what drives customers to convert.

Know which pages, components, or product categories on your website are the best opportunities to make your site more effective - both for you AND for your customers.

Grow customer engagement

Capture the most important that lead to long-lasting customer relationships and know how to address them.

Clicks, hovers and scrolls all tell you different things about these moments. Read the signs to grow engagement.

Tighten your focus

Quantitatively understand where your efforts can have the biggest impact whether that’s through size of the prize or the biggest opportunity.

Use these to help tighten up your focus on what’s most important.


Getting the most from your analytics data

We generate insights and recommendations out of your analytics data! Reporting is great but having use cases in mind for your data allows you to get so much more and ask the right questions.

Discover New Opportunities

Most businesses generally use their analytics for reporting but your web data is a goldmine for getting proactive. Don't just report on what you've already done but figure out what you should be doing next!

We tap into those insights for you to uncover the "what" and the "where" for opportunities you should be tackling on your site leading to effective new experiments to run, audiences to hone in on for personalisation, or prioritisation for which features you should aim to optimise.

Evaluate User Journeys

So often long, complex customer journeys get distilled down to simple funnels. While helpful for a quick visualisation, they often don't provide the nuance that really allows us to evaluate what is or isn't effective for users as they navigate your site.

We dive into the nuance for you, utilising models we've built to evaluate your customer journeys at scale to pull out the biggest opportunities to better match their needs.

Measure Results

Reports are only as good as the questions they set out to answer. We ask a bunch of questions right up front to help make sure your reports give you exactly what you need - both into the insights of your marketing activities but also to help guide what should be done next.

After all, what's an insight without an action?

Quantify Your Impact

We've all got 100 things we could do next. Whether that's which test we want to run, which pages to focus on, prioritising audiences or anything else, we can use your analytics data to help narrow your focus to prioritise where you can expect to see the biggest impact.

Once you're done, we can go back and measure the outcomes against expectations and ensure we're having the impact we expect.

“Drumline used their advanced data analytics tools and expertise to provide actionable insights to both generate ideas for new CRO tests, and decide which of the tests we should prioritise. An ideal solution for any organisation that wants to use data science to help deliver greater efficiencies.”

Edward Brooks

General Manager, Digital Marketing

South Australian Tourism Commission

How do we turn insight into action?

We tailor our recommendations to how you engage your customers. That means our insights may link to recommendations across advertising, website, app, contact centre or email.

We work best for teams that struggle to make timely, informed decisions and are focused on ‘getting things done’. Drumline may be a part of helping you action recommendations, or you might own that entirely.

Why just focus on digital?

Digital data is one of the most common, prolific and under-utilised assets businesses have. Teams that own digital platforms like Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics or Contentsquare often lack analytics support, while analytics teams see them as ‘marketing tools’.

Capturing each view, swipe, click and scroll makes this data gold in understanding customers, and our goal is to show you why it should be adopted more into regular decision making.

If we already have a data team, why do we need a partner?

We bridge a gap in data teams, by bringing lots of subject-matter expertise to digital experience as well as in analytics. Our customers often have very capable data teams! It can sometimes be hard to get the results needed without specialist intervention, or getting hands on the right data.

We make it simple, clear and direct - we use the data you have on your customer’s behaviour to guide how you should engage them with the tools at your disposal.

Ready to get started?

We’ll sit down with you and unpick what’s totally working and where you’re looking to achieve more.