Build a dialogue, tackle the right issues

Customer challenges are almost always complex. Let us dive into that complexity and meet your users’ needs.


Our approach to research is true to our experiment-led values

Building hypotheses, testing, and staying open to new ideas leads to fantastic insights

Uncover friction

User research allows you to answer points of friction in a way no other form of data can - they’ll tell you directly!

While it may seem obvious, the power can’t be overstated. Especially when it’s led by savvy, well-informed questions, allowing you to uncover challenges you never expected.

Find a new perspective

Like any good conversation, when you’re open to learning something new you will.

Customers don’t see things the way that we do and speaking to them will change the way you see your own organisation, your offering, and the way you talk about it.

Validate new ideas

Nothing is more humbling than a customer shutting down an idea we love.

At the same time, nothing teaches us more about why we were wrong and how to fix it!


Research is the key to unlocking great results

Our focus is on understanding the customer impact of your digital experiences. Research provides a level up on insight across:

Pinpoint Experimentation

The best experimentation programs in the world utilise research as a key tenant. Great UX research helps to pinpoint exactly what to test on, meaning we can get to running more valuable tests more quickly focused on exactly the right problems that stop your users from taking the key actions on your site.

Not to mention many of the best ideas for tests come from an outside perspective and customers are always up for giving us their ideas!

This research can take many forms depending on what kind of problem we aim to tackle. Where we’re diving into behavioural analytics, going through existing customer learnings, running usability testing or putting new designs in front of users, there any number of ways to gather insights.

Testing on Low Traffic

Low traffic can be a challenge for many businesses. Whether that’s your entire website or just for an important site section, running qualitative testing can be a great alternative to classic CRO style experiments.

We’ll work with you to apply our time-tested experimentation process to bring hypotheses to life with interactive designs that users can engage with directly. Through these tests, we can measure the effectiveness in real-time while simultaneously receiving live feedback that leads to direct, measurable improvements.

Website Redesigns

Designing a new website is fraught with danger along with the great opportuinities! We’ve seen it over and over again where a beautiful new site gets launched but testing it with users has been an afterthought or ignored altogether.

It’s no surprise that so often these new redesigns don’t work as intended, in many cases leading to a huge drop in conversion.

Beginning a redesign with research ensures that your new site matches your users needs as well as your business needs, resting easy when you hit the “launch” button.

New Idea Validation

Having a big idea for a new product, a new feature, or a way to challenge something “we’ve always done” is part and parcel of running a great digital practice. It’s one of the most fun things about our industry!

Before you invest too heavily into that new idea, validate that it’s going to resonate with the people most affected by it - your customers! Seeding those ideas through user research will not help give you indications of if you’re onto a winner but help you refine your big idea further as it comes to life.

Combine Analytics and Research

Bringing together qualitative and quantitative insights is the ultimate cocktail of understand your customers. Each offers new data and validity that balances the other out.

User research offers you the glimpse into the psyche of your users and answers key points around why a user takes a certain behaviour, what they’re thinking, or how they behave when presented with something new. Quantitative balances those insights with scale, helping to validate what gets heard through interviews or seen in usability testing.

Bringing these two sides together is going to give you a great basis of insight and understanding to make informed decisions.


Through our work with Drumline we have been able to build strong foundations for our experimentation program. Their enthusiasm for experimentation ensures that we get the most from this program of work


James McKeown

Senior Manager, Digital Applications

P&O Cruises

Power your roadmap

Want to know where to focus your attention? We’ll help you understand what your customers need you to address first and what will have the most impact.

Be truly led by customers

Not just a buzzword, being genuinely customer led leads means you’re providing for your customers needs in a measurable way.

When it comes to the digital world, that means we’ll listen to how customers need a complex product explained, what makes it easier for them to purchase, or just what the drivers are in choosing you over a competitor.

Understand the “why’

We can always pinpoint “where” users are dropping off and “how often” using the analytics tools at our disposal.

Back that up with research to uncover the “why” and how to stop it from happening again.

Ready to get started?

We’ll sit down with you and unpick what’s totally working and where you’re looking to achieve more.